Drop-and-Go Zones and Parent Pick-up
  • ArrivalParents choosing to drive their child(ren) to school in the morning, may use one of two drop-and-go lanes in front of the school.  The first lane is along the curb.  The second lane is within the first row of the parking lot. The drop-and-go lanes are shown in the picture above in red.  Parking spaces on either side of the first row are roped off so that children may safely exit the vehicle without parked cars nearby.  A crossing guard is posted to safely cross children at the crosswalk.  Parents may not exit their car when using the drop-and-go lanes.  Parents who need to exit their car to assist their child, should pull into the second lane of the parking lot, pictured in blue, and park in a designated space. Doors will open for children to enter the building at 8:45 a.m.  To ensure the safety of all, no children may be dropped off at school prior to 8:45 a.m.  Please make the appropriate before-school care arrangements for your child.  


    DismissalThe end time for the school day is 3:25 p.m.  Parents wishing to pick up their child from school at the end of the day enter the building via the exterior gymnasium doors along the Clayton Avenue side of the building, pictured above in yellow.  All people entering the building to pick up a child must present a valid photo ID in order to sign a child out from school.  Only those persons authorized on the emergency sheet may sign out the child.  Bus transportation is available and set up for each child attending Tilden Elementary Center.