- Perry Elementary
- Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP)
Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP)
Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP)
The Team
The Elementary Student Assistance Program team (ESAP team) is a multi-disciplinary team composed of school personnel (teachers, administrators, school nurses, and counselors). This team is trained to understand the issues of mental health issues, as well as chemical use, abuse, and dependency. ESAP plays a primary role in the identification and referral process of students coming to their attention through the procedures outlined by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Student Assistance Program. ESAP is not a treatment program; rather it is a systematic process to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning and, where the problems are beyond the scope of the school, to assist the student and parents with information so they may access services in the community.
Hamburg Area School District has made a commitment to serving each student to help them obtain a complete academic education. Our priority is to have students concentrate on the process of learning without the negative impacts of emotional distress and/or chemical use.
Each team member has undergone special training approved by the PA Department of Education. The team works at all buildings within the Hamburg Area School District to identify and help students who have emotional health and/or drug or alcohol issues hindering their ability to obtain a complete education. The team works closely with a trained mental health and drug and alcohol professional.
Referral and Treatment
Students may be referred to the Elementary Student Assistance Team by teachers, parents, and other students, or by self referral. Any student who violates the HASD drug and alcohol policy will automatically be referred to ESAP for an assessment. All referrals to ESAP are kept confidential within the team. With parent approval, ESAP may offer student-centered services such as educational support groups, in-school mentoring, and aftercare resources.
Warning Signs
Childhood is a time of many transitions. Some moodiness and change in a student's behavior is part of normal development. However, when you notice a marked change or gradual deterioration over a period of time it should cause concern.
Please contact a member of ESAP if you notice any of the following signs listed below, being displayed by your child. The team can assist in deciding if a student needs help in accessing appropriate community resources. Referral forms may also be submitted to the Nurse’s office.
- Deterioration of relationships with family members
- Change in friends
- Change in eating habits
- Change in sleeping habits
- Excessive need for privacy
- Change in personal grooming or attire
- Poor school attendance
- Declining grades
- Lost interest in hobbies, sports and other favorite activities
- Unexplained moodiness or anger
- Unusual fatigue or burst of energy
- Unusual spending habits or having unexplained money
- Possessing drug paraphernalia
- Glassy bloodshot eyes
- Frequent cold like symptoms
ESAP Team Members at Perry Elementary
Mrs. Andrea Berger - Principal
Mrs. Cheryl Anderson - School Counselor
Mrs. Janis Konsavage - Teacher
Mrs. Della Kennedy - Teacher
Mrs. Kathy Edwards - Special Ed. Teacher
Mrs. Heidi Heberle - Reading Specialist
Mrs. Tabatha Vega - Behavior Support Teacher
Dr. Shawn Gravish - Director of Safety & Security
ESAP Team Members at Tilden Elementary
Dr. Lacie Cucciuffo- Principal Rebecca Noecker - Teacher
Audrey Arms - School Counselor Lisa Fegley - Teacher
Karen Kuhns - School Nurse Jolee Harclerode- School Psychologist
Joan Honicker - Teacher Marcy Donatelli - Teacher
Justine Reading - Teacher Kristen Missimer - Teacher
Paul Havanko - Library/media Kevin McFarland - Home School Visitor

Related Files
SAP/ESAP overview
This attachment details state and local system components of the Student Assistance Program
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