• The Hamburg Middle School SAP Team is a multi-disciplinary team composed of school personnel (teachers, administrators, school nurses, and counselors) that is available to offer supportive services to students experiencing academic, behavioral and/or emotional difficulties that may pose barriers to school success.  

    Our goal is to work with parents and offer support and recommendations for their son/daughter who may be experiencing difficulty. Where barriers are beyond the scope of the school, the team can provide information so the family can access community resources.


    Referral and Treatment

    Students may be referred to the Student Assistance Team by teachers, parents, other students, or by self referral.  SAP is a voluntary program, however any student who violates the HAMS drug and alcohol policy will automatically be referred to SAP for an assessment. All referrals to SAP are kept confidential within the team. With parent approval, HAMS may offer student-centered services such as educational support groups, in-school mentoring, and aftercare resources.


    Please contact a SAP Team member if you have concerns or questions regarding your son/daughter.  


    Hamburg Middle School SAP Team Members           

    • Cheryl Pishock - School Counselor            
    • Charles Kutz - School Counselor     
    • Beth Jackowski - School Nurse   
    • Beth Horrigan - teacher
    • Connie Kissinger - teacher
    • Glenn Miller - teacher
    • Allison Rizzo - teacher
    • Tim Easter - Administrator                          
    • Shawn Gravish - Director of Safety & Security
    • Jennifer Guigley - Caron Foundation SAP Coordinator