
  • The Hamburg Area School District believes athletics are a valued part of the overall educational process, and are integral to the mission and goals of the District. As Athletic Director, I would like our athletes to have the strong character necessary to meet life's challenges, on and off the field. Many of the character traits required to be a successful participant are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school. However, good character does not just happen.

    It is the responsibility of each individual involved (student-athletes, parents, coaches, and administrators) in interscholastic athletics to Teach, Enforce, Advocate, and Model the concept "character counts". Everyone must be dedicated to strengthening the character of young people through the promotion of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

    We should all act as good role models by pursuing victory with honor.

    Aaron Menapace, CMAA
    Director of Interscholastic Athletics

    See below for information on 2013-2014 Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosures

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