Sapphire Community Portal

  • Click here to login to the Sapphire Community Portal

    Sapphire Community Portal

    The Sapphire Community Portal provides secure access for parents of K-12 students to view information such as homeroom teacher, schedule, grades, attendance, and more for each of their children.   The portal is also available for students in grades 6-12 to monitor grades, attendance, request courses, etc.

    Access to Portal

    Parents/Guardians must request access and be approved for a portal account.  See Sapphire Community Portal instructions listed below.  Access will only be approved for legal guardians--not for step-parents, grandparents, emergency contacts, etc.  Upon approval, guardians will receive an email containing a username and password.

    Student Accounts

    Students in grades 6-12 should login with their hak12 email address and use their 6-digit student id number as the password. They SHOULD NOT request an account via the website.  Grades K-5 are not issued access to the portal.


    If you have questions regarding the contact information, emergency information, or other student demographic information in the portal, please contact the main office of the building your child attends.

    For questions relating to assignments, grades, etc, please direct those concerns to the teacher.

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