- Hamburg Area School District
- Tax Collection
- Tax Collectors ONLY
Tax Collectors ONLY
This is your resource for school district real estate tax information.
July real estate tax bills will be mailed by the District. Tax Collectors will continue to mail reminders, interims, and exceptions.
Post payments within 10 days of receipt.
Contact Michele Zimmermna at 610-562-2241 ext. 1746 or email miczim@hasdhawks.org with any questions.
Related Files
Berks County Tax Claim Bureau Delinquent Cover Sheet
Used to turn over delinquent real estate taxes in January and September
Postage Reimbursement Invoice
Remember to attach copies of receipts -
Authorization to pick up tax information
Submit this form to allow someone else to pick up your tax bills and other information. -
Collector Info Form
Complete only if you did not fill in the online form.