

    HASD 21-22 Layered Mitigation Strategies for Reopening - Updated 8/19/21-ammended 8/23/21 - Updated 1/11/21






    HASD Metrics

    Monitor - Berks Vaccination Rates, HASD Staff Vaccination Rates, HASD Commnity / SD Transmission Rates

    Transmision:   Berks 10-49 per 100,00, Community: 1-4 per 10,000, HASD internal infection #'s

    Transmision: Berks 50-99 per 100,00, HASD: 5-9 per 10,000, HASD internal infection #'s

    Transmision: Berks >100 per 100,00, HASD: > 10 per 10,000, HASD internal infection #'s

    HASD Progression of Mitigation

    Communication, Vaccination Locations

    Communication, Vaccination Locations

    Communication, Vaccination Locations, Provide Optional Testing, Cohort Restrictons

    Communication, Vaccination Locations, Provide Optional Testing, Increased Cohort Restrictons


    *2 Additional Busses *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing *Masks Mandated CDC MASKS OPTIONAL

    *2 Additional Busses *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing

    *2 Additional Busses *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing

    *Voluntary Screening Testing for Drivers *2 Additional Busses *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing


    *Multiple Entrances *Stagger buses/Parent drop off

    *Multiple Entrances *Stagger buses/Parent drop off

    *2 Additional Busses *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing*Multiple Entrances *Stagger buses/Parent drop off

    *Add additional entrances *2 Additional Busses *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing *Stagger buses/Parent drop off

    Breakfast/ Lunch

    *Building specific *Maximize distancing 3ft. or more *Assigned seating

    *Building specific *Maximize distancing 3ft. or more *Assigned seating

    *Further Minimize student traffic *Building specific *Maximize distancing 3 ft. or more *Assigned seating

    *Assign additional temporary cafeteria space *Further Minimize student traffic *Building specific *Maximize distancing 3 ft. or more*Assigned seating

    Daily Screening

    *HR teachers screen for covid-19 by observation

    *HR teachers screen for covid-19 by observation

    *HR teachers verbally screen for covid-19

    *HR teachers verbally screen for covid-19 *Staff complete electronic screening daily


    *Assigned seats *cohorts when possible

    *Assigned seats *cohorts when possible

    *Assigned seats *cohorts

    *Assigned seats *cohorts *Staggered Transitions

    Field Trips

    *Field Trip request indivually reviewed *Outdoors *Cohorts

    *Field Trip request indivually reviewed *Outdoors *Cohorts

    *No Field Trips w/o detailed review

    *No Field Trips w/o detailed review


    No daily Volunteers

    No daily volunterers

    No daily volunteers

    No daily volunteers


    *Cohorts/ daily attendance

    *Cohorts/ daily attendance

    *Assigned seats *Maximize physical distancing *Cohorts/ daily attendance

    *Cohorts/ daily attendance


    *Daily electronic self screening

    *Daily electronic self screening

    *Daily electronic self screening *Maximize physical distancing

    *Daily electronic self screening *Voluntary Screening Testing

    Face Coverings

    Masks Optional (HASD Board)

    Masks Optional (HASD Board)

    Masks Optional (HASD Board)

    Masks Optional (HASD Board)


    *Follow all recommended cleaning procedures

    *Follow all recommended cleaning procedures

    *Follow all recommended cleaning procedures

    *Follow all recommended cleaning procedures


    Quarantine and close contact procedures on a case by case scenario following the PA HAN updates.

    Monday, January 10

    During the meeting of the Hamburg Area School Board, a motion was passed to amend the Hamburg Area School District’s Health and Safety plan.  The following language has been adopted:

    Effective January 11, 2022, the governing policy relating to Covid-19, as adopted by the Board of School Directors of the Hamburg Area School District, shall be as follows:

    Facemasks may be worn by individual choice only, by anyone on the grounds or within the authority of the Hamburg Area School District.  No personnel or representative of the Hamburg Area School District may, at any time, for any reason, force, coerce, request, or encourage anyone to wear a facemask against that person's expressed or implied will. Nor may any personnel or representative of the Hamburg Area School District impose any extra requirement or disallow anyone from participation in any district-related activity for choosing to not wear a facemask. 

    Vaccines not identified and listed in the Pennsylvania Code, Title 28, Chapter 23 Subchapter C. Immunization may not be mandated, suggested or encouraged in any way, for any reason, by any school employee, faculty member or other district representative, nor will records of such vaccinations be required of any school employee, contractor, visitor, or student at any time, for any reason. 

    These policies apply to, but are not limited to, students, parents, caregivers, faculty, staff, administration, school bus drivers, support personnel, contractors, and guests to the district. 

    Monday, January 24, 2022

    Quarantining of the Covid-19 Asymptomatic

    No personnel or representative of the Hamburg Area School District may attempt to force, require, or otherwise coerce any asymptomatic person to either obtain a COVID-19 test against his her expressed will or to quarantine.

    And since COVID-19 has been found to infect those who are vaccinated against it as well as those who are not vaccinated against it, for those who have tested positive for COVID-19 or have shown symptoms of COVID-19  infection, the PDE isolation guidelines for unvaccinated persons will apply, regardless of vaccination status.



    The total number of positive Covid-19 cases throughout the district was under 5 between February 25th through March 4th.

    Reviewed June 2022

    Reviewed December 2022

    Reviewed May 2023