HAHS Card Catalog

Newspapers (see shared Google Newspapers folder for PDFs)

Chat With A Librarian


Other Resources

Power Library

EBooks & Audio Books

  • Sora https://soraapp.com/welcome  Log in with hak12 account 

    ACCESS PA (use your public library card) https://www.berkslibraries.org/ebooks-more/get-started-with-edownloads
    Choose “Reading Public Library.” 
    1. Sign into your library
    If you have a library card, your OverDrive or Libby accounts already exist. If not already selected, choose Reading Public Library.
    Enter the number on the back of your library card.
    Enter your PIN (default is the last four digits of your phone number connected with your library card registration) 

    2. Borrow  Search the online catalog and borrow a title from your library’s collection. Place holds and you’ll be contacted when they are available.

    ACCESS PA PowerLibrary https://powerlibrary.org/e-resources/?all=y&ID=PL7321#.XoitOIhKiUk
    If teachers/students don’t have a public library card number, they can easily register for al electronic library card for full access.


  • Contact Teresa McCarthy-Wright for questions about the high school library.  610-562-3861 x 2327 or email termcc@hasdhawks.org