- Hamburg Area High School
- Student Assistance Program
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
The Hamburg SAP Team is a multi-disciplinary team composed of school personnel (teachers, administrators, school nurses, and counselors). This team is trained to understand the issues of adolescent chemical use, abuse, and dependency, as well as mental health issues. SAP plays a primary role in the identification and referral process of students coming to their attention through the procedures outlined by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Student Assistance Program. SAP is not a treatment program; rather it is a systematic process to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning and, where the problems are beyond the scope of the school, to assist the student and parents with information so they may access services in the community.
Hamburg Area High School has made a commitment to serving each student to help them obtain a complete academic education. Our priority is to have students concentrate on the process of learning without the negative impacts of chemical use/abuse and emotional distress.
Each team member has undergone special training approved by the PA Department of Education. The team works at the high school to identify and help students with substance abuse problems or who have emotional health issues hindering their ability to obtain a complete education. The team works closely with a trained drug/alcohol and mental health professional.
Referral and Treatment
Students may be referred to the Student Assistance Team by teachers, parents, and other students, or by self referral. Any student who violates the HAHS drug and alcohol policy will automatically be referred to SAP for an assessment. All referrals to SAP are kept confidential within the team. With parent approval, HAHS may offer student-centered services such as educational support groups, in-school mentoring, and aftercare resources.
Warning Signs
Adolescence is a time of many transitions. Some moodiness and change in a student's behavior is part of normal development. However, when you notice a marked change or gradual deterioration over a period of time it should cause concern.
Please contact a member of SAP if you notice any of the following signs listed below. The team can assist in deciding if a student needs help in accessing appropriate community resources. Referral forms may also be submitted in the blue box in the Nurse’s office.
- Deterioration of relationships with family members
- Change in friends
- Change in eating habits
- Change in sleeping habits
- Excessive need for privacy
- Change in personal grooming or attire
- Poor school attendance
- Declining grades
- Lost interest in hobbies, sports and other favorite activities
- Unexplained moodiness or anger
- Unusual fatigue or burst of energy
- Unusual spending habits or having unexplained money
- Possessing drug paraphernalia
- Glassy bloodshot eyes
- Frequent cold like symptoms
Hamburg Area High School SAP Team Members:
- Alethea Machamer - School Counselor Turie Reppert - Teacher
- Michelle Wyles-Herbert - School Counselor Andrea Hardick - Teacher
- Barb Long - School Nurse Terri McCarthy-Wright - Teacher
- Alyssa Fink - Assistant Principal Terri-Lee Keck - Teacher
- Tyler Lunger, HAHS Social Worker
- Christina Getz - Caron Foundation SAP Specialist
Community Based Resources and Treatment Centers
AL-ANON Berks County 610-373-5237 AL-ATEEN (Allentown) 610-778-2066 AL-ATEEN (Berks) 610-373-5237 Berks Counseling Center 610-373-4281 Caron Foundation 610-678-2332 Child and Family Support Services 610-376-8558 Concern 610-944-0445 Council on Chemical Abuse 610-376-8669 Family Guidance Center 610-374-4963 Family Life Services 610-682-1337 Narcotics Anonymous 610-374-5944 Reading Hospital Drug/Alcohol Center 610-988-8512 (24 hour hotline) Reading Hospital Center for Mental Health 610-988-8070 TALKLINE 610-374-TALK (8255) Upcoming Events
Support groups are forming now. Sign up in the Counseling Office today!
SAP Permission for Assessment
Parents are required to provide permission for their student to complete an assessment with the SAP Specialist. Assessments cover both Mental Health and D&A screenings. After the assessment, parents will be contacted with recommendations for school and community supports.
Guide for Mental Health Services
a guide for parents seeking mental health services for children.pdf 146.07 KB (Last Modified on October 11, 2017)